ENGLISH: Enhanced Havening Training - Guaranteed Certification Track
This is an enhanced Havening training focusing on a structure and process that guarantees certification at a specific date, including mentoring, feedback and a training process adding modules for sculpting resilience and emotional First Aid.

Time and Location
21 sep. 2021 18:00 CEST – 31 okt. 2021 10:00 CET
Zoom Link will be provided
About this event
Havening is a body-mind approach that allows you to understand and approach how to create resilient neural networks and reactions that can be used for self-help, therapy, coaching and everyday coping.
It fits with all talking approaches like coaching and therapy and works as a stand-alone method in itself.
This is a Havening training online, with a guaranteed certification track. It contains all the parts of a standard training, plus new modules on brain sculpting from resilience to First Aid, some new science and a fixed certification track using scheduled peer-to-peer groups, mentoring and feedback.
What you get
You will learn the science, the encoding and decoding of neural networks that can be used for creating resilience, and for resolving stress and traumatic reaction patterns. This is key to well-being both in coaching and therapy.
How memory works and how our levels of well-being, anxiety and immune system interact.
How to apply Havening Touch safely to create safe states in a client, and variations depending on your client, context and goals.
You will learn basic skills essential to client work, regardless of context:
- Attitude and approach
- Testing & measuring the client responses
- Calibrating outcomes
- Safe and clean feedback to the client
Scientific models you will get basic knowledge in:
- Havening Techniques
- Memory potentiation
- Amygdaloid reactions and networks
- Pattern recognition
- Polyvagal theory in practice
- Clean and safe language, and approach
This is a training with the goal of getting certified. Regardless if you are joining the certification track, you will be asked to deliver 10 client sessions as part of the training program.
21st September 18:00-20:00
Sculpting neural networks for Well-being and Emotional First Aid
2nd-3rd October 09:00-13:00
Basic training, theory, essential skills for coaching, therapy and resilience
17th October 09:00-13:00
Mentoring of peer-to-peer sessions and therapeutic techniques
24th October 10:00-13:00
Mentoring of peer-to-peer sessions and additional therapeutic techniques
31st October 10:00-13:00
Mentoring of peer-to-peer sessions and the science test
14th December 18:00-20:00
Graduation and completed certification in the fast track
OPTION: Paced Certification Track
20th March 2022 18:00-20:00
Graduation and completed certification in the paced track
You will need to schedule in 5x1 hours with peers between 3rd-17th of October
You will need to schedule in 5x1 hours with peers between 17th-31st of October
You will need to treat 20 clients during November and film 2, can be done over Zoom
We will focus on experiential learning, building on our combined experiences from working with coaching, well-being, sports and peak performance, as well as addiction, sexual abuse, refugees, first responders and burnout.
Languages spoken
The training will be in English, and you will be able to interact and get explanations in French, Swedish, Norwegian and Spanish.
We will continue mentoring you until you are comfortable using Havening to help your clients resolve their issues.
PRICE: Training and certification track: 1400 USD
PRICE: Training without certification: 850 USD
PRICE: If you already have attended a Havening training and want to repeat and join certification: 450 USD